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Public authority in charge of the online tax services in Romania

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Agentia Nationala de Administrare Fiscala (ANAF)

Public authority in charge of the online tax services in Romania

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Photo of the tower of Christiansborg castle in Copenhagen, capital of Denmark

New OIOUBL 3.0 invoice standard released in Denmark

The Danish Business Authority has published a OIOUBL 3 invoice package, which brings significant changes to e-invoicing in Denmark.

German B2B mandate adds exceptions and “simplifications”

A new law permanently exempts small business owners from the B2B mandate to issue electronic invoices. Receiving electronic invoices is still obligatory. Archiving periods for invoices is reduced from 10 to 8 years.

Peppol PINT invoice format becomes the default for B2G in A-NZ

This is the first step before PINT becomes mandatory in May 2025 for all B2G e-invoicing transactions in Australia & New-Zealand.

PDF invoices remain considered “electronic” one more year in Portugal

The recent provision adopted in the 2025 Budget further postpones the mandatory use of a Qualified E-Signature (QES) for B2B invoices in PDF format.

Poland close to finalizing the details of its B2B e-invoicing mandate

The Ministry of Finance is proposing changes to the upcoming B2B mandate based on prior consultations and is starting a final round of discussions.